Acoustics Plus can support your planning application with an independent noise survey to show that your building meets noise requirements contained within the planning policy guidance used by local authorities.

We provide noise measurement and noise monitoring services, and where necessary, we can specify noise mitigation measures for you.

As acoustic consultants, we have completed hundreds of noise assessments to accompany planning applications; we have access to the latest equipment to carry out noise testing services and noise impact assessments. We are familiar with noise requirements compliancy for a huge range of applications including:


  • Residential buildings (private residences, large and small property developments)
  • Installation of mechanical plant
  • Railway line platform extensions
  • Entertainment venues (bars, restaurants, leisure centres)
  • Hotels

If you need a detailed noise survey, we can measure and record noise over an extended period using our own noise monitoring equipment.

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Air conditioning and environmental control systems

If your noise planning application involves air handling equipment, we can complete an impact assessment that considers both Planning and noise requirements. This assessment will determine the background noise level and compare that with the noise that will emanate from your proposed system or specify noise mitigation measures for your existing system.

Environmental control systems create noise inside and outside of buildings. This means that noise testing services need to be carried out. We have completed hundreds of sound surveys and noise assessments for these systems, including:


  • Residential buildings (private residences, large and small property developments)
  • Entertainment venues (bars, restaurants, leisure centres)
  • Hotels
  • We maintain an extensive database of noise specifications for many of the leading manufacturers’ air handling units which means we can produce acoustic reports quickly for you.

Permitted development rights have been extended in recent years, allowing some development to take place without going through the full planning system. Many sound developers are seeking a change of use of existing building to C3 use (dwelling houses) under The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development)(England)(Amendment)Order 2016.

This temporary right introduced in 2013 has been made permanent (as of April 2016). However, this right now requires the consideration of planning and noise to provide an assessment to determine the impacts of noise from commercial premises on the intended occupiers of the proposed change of use development. This is done through the use of a sound assessment. We are then able to undertake the necessary noise survey and produce a report suitable for submission to the Local Planning Authority to obtain the required approval.

Permitted Development Rights

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) came into force in March 2012 and represents the government’s commitment to sustainable development, through its intention to make the planning system more streamlined and less restrictive. It aims to do this by reducing regulatory burdens and by placing sustainability at the heart of development process.

With regard to noise, the NPPF outlines aims already contained in the Noise Policy Statement for England (NPSE). The essence of these aims is to minimise the risk of significant adverse impacts on health and quality of life due to excessive noise output.

Paragraph 123 of the NPPF states that planning policies and decisions should aim to:

  • Avoid noise from giving rise to significant adverse impacts on health and quality of life as a result of new development;
  • Mitigate and reduce to a minimum other adverse impacts on health and quality of life arising from noise from new development, including through the use of conditions;
  • Recognise that development will often create some noise and existing businesses wanting to develop in continuance of their business should not have unreasonable restrictions put on them because of changes in nearby land use since they were established (Subject to the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and other relevant law)
  • Identify and protect areas of tranquillity which have remained relatively undisturbed by noise and are prized for their recreational and amenity value for this reason.

The Noise Policy Statement for England (NPSE) was developed by DEFRA and published in March 2010. The vision of the NPSE is to ‘Promote good health and good quality of life through the effective management of noise within the context of Government policy on sustainable development.

Following the introduction of NPPF, the previous Planning Policy Guidance (PPG24) which Local Authorities used to shape their guidance have been withdrawn. This has created a void between the aims of the policy and the technical guidance required to fulfil them. It is now up to the Local Authorities to implement acoustic guidance into local policy. We use our noise testing services & technology to assess this.

Acoustics Plus has undertaken many noise assessments in support of planning applications and can seek clarification from the relevant Local Planning Authority on the required acoustic standard, why not take a look at some of our Recent Projects! We then undertake a noise survey and produce a report suitable to accompany your planning submission in line with the requirements of the Local Planning Authority.

PPG24 was withdrawn from official use in 2012 and replaced with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Noise Policy Statement for England (NPSE). However, many Local authorities in England still refer to the content of PPG24 when determining planning applications for developments – in terms of noise generated or exposure to existing noise sources.

Who needs to know
about PPG24?

The aim of PPG24 is to give guidance to local authorities in England on the use of their planning powers to minimise the adverse impact of noise, and builds on the advice previously contained in DOE Circular 1073 ‘Planning and Noise’.

PPG24 provides advice on how the planning system can be used to minimise the adverse impact of noise without placing unreasonable restrictions on development or adding unduly to the costs and administrative burdens of business.

PPG24 takes into account the recommendations of the Noise Review Working Party which reported in October 1990 (HMSO, ISBN 0 11 752343 7).


What does PPG24

PPG24 outlines some of the main considerations which local planning authorities should take into account in drawing up development plan policies and when determining planning applications.

The document introduces the concept of noise exposure categories (NECs), ranging from A-D, for residential development and recommends appropriate levels for exposure to different sources of noise, e.g. for residential development applications near transport-related noise sources.

When assessing a proposal for residential development near a source of noise, local planning authorities should determine into which of the four noise exposure categories (NECs) the proposed site falls, taking account of both day and night-time noise levels.

Help with PPG24 compliance.

We have completed hundreds of Planning Policy Guidance 24 assessments, are well acquainted with its requirements and can determine noise exposure categories for your planning application.

You can download a free copy of PPG24 from the Communities and Government website.

We can cater for ppg24, bsi plus, bb93 and much more using our consultants & acoustic engineers to assist you in your property developments or existing sound projects. Get in Touch Now!